Automated Feedback Generation

Addressing the challenge of providing automated, complex and personalized feedback to program submission made to massive online courses.
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Automated Generation of MWP

Ease the burdern from teachers to produce high quality mathmatical word problems for exercise and exam purposes.
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Automated Generation of RPM

Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPMs) are manually designed and limited in number. The goal of this work is to automate the process to generate a abundant number of freash, high quality of problems. We have been in touch with ETS for the possibility of deploying our algorithms for production use.
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Interactive Geometry Tutoring

Offering solution is not always a good pedgogical practice. Instead guides students to think on their own while providing hints whenever necessary are much more preferred. This interative tutor is designed to help students to practice solving the particular challenge of auxiliary construction.
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Automated Geometry Theoream Prover

This works takes on the challenge of solving geometry theorem proving (no efficient and principle solution has found so far) to generate readable (in Euclidean axioms) proofs automatically. Results show our system outperforms the previou state-of-art significantly.
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